By plane

Get the best price for your flight with Air France and KLM Global Meetings.
Event: The Sourcing Connection
Event ID: 25664AF
Valid from: 01/09/2015 to 11/09/2015 
Reservation on:
it serves to justify the application of the preferential airfare. Keep it with you as you may be asked for it at any point of your journey.


By train

Please contact Visitor’s Relations Department for the voucher (-20%) along with your pre-registration.
train schedules in France

By car

Boulevard périphérique extérieur - Sortie Porte de Versailles
Boulevard périphérique intérieur - Sortie Porte de la Plaine

By taxi

Taxi rank near gate A at Paris Expo
- Alpha Taxi: +33 (0)1 45 85 85 85
- Taxis Bleus: +33 (0)1 49 36 10 10
- Taxis G7: +33 (0)1 47 39 47 39
- Artaxi:+33 (0)1 42 03 50 50
- Taxis Parisiens: +33 (0)8 25 56 03 20

Duration (according to traffic)
> de Roissy: 45 min
> de Orly: 25 min
> from gare de Lyon: 15 min
> from gare du Nord: 20 min
> from gare de l'Est: 20 min

By motorbike taxis

City Bird: T. +33 (0) 826 100 100 (hors France)
T. +33 (0)1 58 82 29 11)
Scoot Express: T. +33 (0) 810 122 920 (hors France)
T. +33 (0)1 42 24 93 47)

Duration (according to traffic)
> from Roissy: 30 min
> from Orly: 20 min

Public Transport


Metro: Ligne 12: Station Porte de Versailles / Ligne 8: Station Balard
Tramway: T3 Ligne Pont du Garigliano/Porte d’Ivry: Station Porte de Versailles
Bus: Lignes 39 - 49 - 80 - PC 1: Station Porte de Versailles
All traffic information on RATP website